
60 minute full musculoskeletal assessment $150

45 minute pliability assessment for dry needling $125

60 minute follow up $125

45 minute follow up $100

30 minute follow up $75

60 minute massage $100 (tip included)


  • 30 Minute Packages
  • 15% off 5 sessions $318.75
  • 25% off 10 sessions $562.60
  • 45 Minute Packages
  • 15% off 5 sessions $425
  • 25% off 10 sessions $750

Frequently Asked Questions

Heal Strong for Life is for individuals between 40-80 years (plus or minus) who want to be as strong, pain free and mobile as possible for the rest of their lives. Our program is also intended for

  • People who want to raise their metabolisms and lose fat.
  • People who want to keep enjoying their activities for as long as possible.
  • People who understand that their bodies are more important than their 401k’s.
  • People who plan on having an active retirement.
  • People who want to confidently live independently at home into their 80’s.
  • People that don’t want to be a burden on their family at the end of their lives.

Because F = ma.  Force is equal to mass times acceleration.

The faster you throw weights around, the more force is going through your joints and fascia.  In fact, using momentum makes things easier for your muscles and puts even more stress through your joints.  Slowing down takes the stress off your joints and puts it directly on the muscles and keeps it there.

Slowing down maximizes the benefits while simultaneously reducing risk of injuries.

  • Cardio is a very inefficient way to burn fat.
  • You need to walk or run 350 miles to lose 10 pounds of fat.
  • You will likely pull a muscle and/or develop plantar fasciitis, knee or hip pain before you make it to 350 miles.
  • Strength training raises your basal metabolic rate, approximately 50 calories per day, at rest, regardless of your level of activity.
  • The average person can expect to put on three pounds of muscle with two months of proper strength training.
  • Putting on 5 pounds of muscle will raise your metabolism 250 calories/day, 1750 calories/week burning an additional 2 pounds of fat every month, regardless of your activity level.
  • Individuals that strength train as their primary form of exercise tend to be more active between workouts and adhere to their diets better.
  • Individuals who use cardio as their primary form of exercise are more likely to get injured, less likely to participate in other physical activities and are more likely to cheat on their diets.
  • Make an appointment by calling or going online.
  • We’ll send you a few things to fill out regarding your injury history, current level of function and goals.
  • In person appointments are preferred, but not always convenient.  We will send you directions to our facility or a link so we can meet online.
  • Wear comfortable workout clothes.
    • Shorts or loose workout pants that can easily be pulled above your knees.
    • Short sleeve t-shirt or tank top.
    • Sports bras.
    • Comfortable workout shoes.  Cross trainers, walking or running shoes, sneakers, etc.
  • We will have 55 minutes to:
    • review your history, current level of function and goals.
    • Perform a full musculoskeletal exam (ROM, strength, flexibility, movement patterns)
    • Fitness, balance, function tests
  • The remainder of our time will include taking you through the exercises and/or providing hands on mobility work.
  • I will then provide an exercise prescription consisting of strength, stability and pliability.
  • You may take that prescription and do your best on your own with our free or paid online content.  Follow up with me as needed.
  • You may choose to purchase one of our PT one-on-one training packages.

No.  But I do accept Health Savings Account cards.


Why not?

Because it’s not effective. We pay all this money for “unlimited” or “60” visits, but in reality, as soon as your deductible is met, they deem you “good enough”.  They stop paying when your pain is only 3/10 and you are functional enough to get through your activities of daily living.  They don’t pay for preventative exercise and wellness programs.  They don’t pay to help you run your first marathon, lose weight, or prevent low back injuries.  I was sick of spending more and more of my time in front of the computer writing longer and more detailed notes.

I was sick of looking at piles of charts on my desk waiting for me to make phone calls to appeal their case and beg for a few more visits.  I was sick of spending less time with my patients, family and recreational activities, because I had to catch up on my notes.   I just want to make my patients better and then have them pay me for it.  No middle man.  No benefits manager.  No surprises from the billing department when you find how much you owe because you hadn’t met your deductible.